Several segments involve flying around and gunning down enemies, which is arguably the best part of the whole game considering that all your ships and powers are upgradeable. Rather, a compelling airship system replaces a hubworld or overworld. You still play through an action-platformer with guns and magic powers, and thankfully, learning from their experience with Daxter (on the PSP), there is no “open-world” experience this time around. However, if a second stick existed, it would make mapping buttons on the device much, much easier and make the gameplay even better. The main issue with the gameplay is that I miss a second analog stick on the device, but that’s a gripe for a different article. The gameplay on the PSP is so tight and responsive that the experience will often make you forget you’re playing on a PSP. The gameplay behind the story is what really makes Lost Frontier stand out. Airships, towns, dungeons are all here in some form or another, and while the game is incredibly linear, it’s still a good and guided experience. The story in Lost Frontier revolves around exactly what you’d think – Jak and Daxter explore “The Lost Frontier” in search of eco now that the world has none (according to some event in Jak 3 that was not memorable). Where they’ll be able to go from this game story-wise seems unsure, but considering that the same could be said for Jak 3, I’m optimistic about the future of the series. The story in The Lost Frontier isn’t exactly perfect or riveting always, but considering that this is on the PSP, it’s on par with the stories that have come before it, making it a great addition to the Jak and Daxter chronology. But just because a game can be made, doesn’t mean it should be made, so which one is it for this game? Jak and Daxter – The Lost Frontier is a game that was so perfect for this holiday season if Naughty Dog is planning a true sequel for the PS3 sometime next year.

Like a mystical vision in the desert, a new game was announced for the series at E3 this year, it was announced so fast that you could’ve missed it if you didn’t pay attention. Jak and Daxter were big stars in the PS2 days, but their absence in this current generation has caused a bit of rebellion amongst fans of the series – we were dying to know when we’d hear about this dynamic duo again.